• "Of course we are delighted, remembering tenderly and sorry that it has passed so quickly Yotam was very happy, and most important to me, he felt satisfied with all the part of the celebration. For us it was a special weekend that will stay with us for a long time and leave a pleasant memory "

    Ornat Rabino  

# P.O.B 393 Yokneam Israel, 20600 I  Phone: +972-4-959-0449  I  Mobile: +972-4-984-5202  I  © 2013 All rights reserved  I  customitzvah@gmail.com

Alternative Bar Mitzvah in the spirit of Judaism and ecology. Theater, Torah, values ​​and humor come together into an exciting family experience,
connecting the past and the present, and the Bar Mitzvah to the family and tradition.

Website: Gama Design